

The Lee Enfield Rifle Association (LERA) aim is to promote the shooting, collection, conservation and study of the Lee Enfield series of rifles.

Established over 25 years ago by a group of Enfield enthusiasts, the Association now has over 250 members in the UK and is associated with other clubs and organisations worldwide who share a passion for the Enfield series of rifles. 

We are affiliated to the National Rifle Association and hold regular meetings at the National Shooting Centre, Bisley and on the Ash MOD range complex when available.

Applications for membership generally fall into two categories:

a.     Persons who hold a current Firearms Certificate (FAC), are a member of a Home Office Approved Club, and have a Shooter Certification Card valid for full bore iron sighted and telescope sighted rifles.

Individuals in this category can apply for membership without full training but must serve a minimum six month period, attend at least three Association shoots and be assessed as competent before full membership is confirmed.

b.     Persons who do not hold an FAC, or those holding an FAC but without the appropriate conditions on it to allow target shooting on approved ranges, are not a current member of a Home Office Approved club, and do not have a valid Shooter Certification Card.

Individuals falling into this category must undergo a full training course, be satisfactorily assessed as competent, must serve a minimum six month period and attend at least three club shoots before being considered for full membership.  LERA is currently reviewing/updating its training and is unfortunately not able to offer courses at the present time.

As a Surrey based club, all applications for membership from non-FAC holders must first be notified to Surrey/Sussex Firearms and Explosives Licensing Unit (FELU) for authority to proceed.  All applicants must be able to comply with Section 21 of the UK Firearms Act – ie they are not, nor have ever been, a ‘prohibited person’ under the terms of that Act

Contact the Secretary for further information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.