
If you are seeking to take up target rifle shooting we have a number of LERA members who are NRA qualified instructors and are able to provide training for new entrants to the sport.

The course material and theory test is available online and covers the disciplines of iron sighted, telescope sighted and gallery rifle shooting.  This is followed by practical training/assessment on the range.

It is a tailored version of the NRA Probationary course with some emphasis placed on Enfield rifles.

On successful completion of the course and after fulfilling the criteria for full membership you will be issued with a Shooter Certification Card (SCC) that will enable you to shoot unsupervised at Bisley and MoD Ranges on shooting meetings booked by LERA.  For more information on SCC's see the article here.

A charge is made for providing training..  

Note: Membership of LERA is mandatory; we cannot train non-members. 

The practical component of our course is held at The National Shooting Centre at Bisley in Surrey.


Contact the LERA Training Coordinator for further details:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Young Shots at LERA

Training Material





Online Test
Once you have read through and are fully conversant with the above, the test is here:

Please ensure you have whatever program you use for sending emails open in the background, it will then automatically compose an email to send your answers for marking.  It that doesn't work then just copy and paste the final page and email it to:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You can do the test as many times as you like.   The pass mark is 75%, please do better than this though.

Additional Reading




Practical Test

